Precision Learning for Precision Results: Conquer IELTS, Business, and Beyond

At Precision English, we understand that mastering the English language is more than just a goal—it’s a necessity for succeeding in today’s globalized world. That's why we’ve developed a suite of high-impact courses aimed at professionals and adult learners across the globe. Our offerings are designed to equip you with the essential language skills required for outstanding performance, whether you're aiming to pass IELTS, excel in business, or dazzle in academic boards.

We are here to help you

At Precision English, our educational philosophy is built upon three foundational pillars: Patience, Trust, and Success. We firmly believe that the journey to mastering the English language is a personal and gradual process, one that requires Patience from both our dedicated tutors and our ambitious students. Our methods are tailored to accommodate individual learning paces, providing a comfortable environment where learners can grow without unnecessary pressure.

Trust is another cornerstone of our educational model. We invest in creating a safe and transparent atmosphere, ensuring that both students and educators can express themselves freely, voice their concerns, and seek assistance whenever needed. Our commitment to open dialogue builds the essential trust required for effective learning.

Finally, Success is our ultimate goal. We are fully dedicated to empowering our students to achieve their academic and professional objectives. Whether you aim to excel in Academic English, Business English, or are focused on improving Pronunciation, our courses are designed to equip you with the skills you need to succeed. By aligning our strategies with your goals, we create a personalized roadmap to your success.

Join us at Precision English, where Patience breeds Trust, and Trust leads to Success.




Meet the Founder 

Thanos Mengrelis is a distinguished educator and thought leader in the realm of Precision Teaching. As a National Curriculum Teacher in Secondary Schools across the United Kingdom, he has been at the forefront of innovative pedagogical approaches, setting the gold standard for educational excellence. Holding a Ph.D. in Social Psychology, Thanos combines interdisciplinary perspectives to craft teaching methodologies that not only engage students but also elicit optimal learning outcomes. His academic credentials are further bolstered by an MA in Applied Linguistics, accomplished through the esteemed Cambridge DELTA program, showcasing his profound understanding of language learning and its practical applications.

A Bachelor's in English Language and Literature from the prestigious University College London (UCL) enriches his pedagogical approach, embedding it with cultural depth and intellectual rigor. This rich academic background equips him to tackle the complex challenges of modern education, offering solutions rooted in empirical evidence and refined through real-world experience. Thanos’ work has transcended traditional boundaries, having a transformative impact on English for Academic Purposes, Business English, and Pronunciation. His contributions to the field have established him as a sought-after authority, consultant, and speaker, making him a cornerstone of contemporary educational strategies.

Through his multidisciplinary expertise and educational vision, Dr. Mengrelis is redefining the boundaries of effective teaching and learning, providing empirically grounded, practical solutions for the complex challenges that educators and students face in the 21st century.

Thanos Mengrelis 

Our school with your words

#is unexpected | #is awesome | #has quality features | #saved my life | #is the best

Working with Thanos has been an extraordinary experience that extends far beyond the realm of typical language instruction. His expertise in English is exceptional, and his teaching methodology is both engaging and effective, allowing me to progress rapidly in mastering the language's complexities. But what sets him apart is his investment in my overall growth—not just as a student but also as a professional.

From the beginning, he took the time to understand my unique needs and career aspirations. He tailored the curriculum to align with my goals, incorporating relevant vocabulary, industry-specific communication skills, and real-world scenarios that I could expect to encounter in my field. His lessons are not just academic exercises; they are practical training sessions that have immediate applicability in the professional world.Furthermore, he has gone above and beyond the traditional duties of a tutor.

He has been an invaluable mentor, offering insightful career advice and even helping me prepare for job interviews. His support has been pivotal in helping me navigate the challenges and opportunities of my career path, opening doors that I never thought possible.His commitment to my success, both academically and professionally, has been truly remarkable. I can confidently say that I haven't just found a great tutor; I've found a mentor and a lifelong supporter of my academic and career endeavors. I cannot recommend him highly enough!
Nektarios H.
I cannot express enough how profoundly grateful I am for your extraordinary dedication, both as an educator and as an inspiring human being. Your expertise in the subject matter is unparalleled, and it shines through in every lesson you deliver. Your ability to simplify complex topics and tailor instruction to my individual needs has been instrumental in my academic success.

But what truly sets you apart is your remarkable patience. Learning can be a challenging journey filled with obstacles, yet you have never given up on me—even when I was close to giving up on myself. Your unwavering belief in my potential has been a source of motivation and has played a critical role in building my self-confidence. This kind of emotional and psychological support goes well beyond the academic framework and has touched me on a personal level.

I am particularly thankful for the extraordinary support you've provided that goes beyond the usual scope of instruction. From offering resources that cater to my specific needs, to giving me invaluable advice on various facets of life, you have truly gone the extra mile. It's rare to find someone who offers such comprehensive care, both inside and outside the classroom.

Your excellence as an educator is beyond question, but what makes you truly exceptional is your character as a person. It's all too common for people to take for granted the sacrifices and contributions made by others. Yet, you stand as a reminder of the significant impact that acknowledgment, gratitude, and genuine appreciation can have on a person's life.

To many, English might just be another subject that can be taught by anyone, but the compassion, mentorship, and genuine care you offer transcend the typical educational experience. It's not just about mastering a language; it's about the holistic development of a person, something that you so wonderfully contribute to.

Thank you immensely for everything you've done. You are not just an excellent educator; you are a remarkable person whose influence extends far beyond the boundaries of a classroom.
Venetia T.
For the past six years, I have been residing and working in the United Kingdom, and while English is not my native language, effective communication has been vital for my professional success. I've attended English classes with various instructors over the years but didn't notice substantial improvement until I began working with him.

Having him as my Business English instructor for approximately a year has been a game-changing experience. What stands out is his unparalleled professionalism. He's punctual, well-prepared, and laser-focused during our sessions, ensuring that every minute is used efficiently. But what elevates his teaching to another level is his person-centered approach, which I've found to be incredibly empowering.
Acknowledging that I am dyslexic, he didn't follow a one-size-fits-all approach but instead took the time to understand my unique learning style, challenges, and even the minor nuances of my learning disabilities. Tailoring the course material to meet these specific needs, he filled in gaps in my understanding that I didn't even realize were holding me back.

Moreover, he's gone above and beyond to provide resources and exercises that are not only intellectually stimulating but also tailored to my career needs in Business English. The improvements I've seen are not just academic—they are practical skills I use in my daily work interactions, and the confidence this has given me is invaluable.

His teaching strategy includes constant feedback loops, where he keenly observes my progress and adjusts his methods accordingly. It's this iterative process, coupled with his innate understanding of my needs, that has led to rapid improvements in my language skills.
I cannot emphasize enough how much his instruction has positively impacted both my professional life and personal self-confidence. If you are looking for a transformative learning experience and need targeted improvement in English, I can't recommend him strongly enough.
Anthi D.

What other learners say

Read stories of people who have changed their lives with the several types of English lessons we offer.
Having completed the Legal English course, I can confidently attest to its unparalleled quality. The course not only honed my legal terminology but also significantly improved my ability to construct clear, persuasive legal arguments, an essential skill in my profession.
Panos A.
The expertise and dedication of the tutors in the English for the Financial Sector course have been instrumental in my mastery of complex financial terminology and communication skills, enabling me to engage with international markets with confidence.
Vivian T.
It was an excellent training program, and I am very pleased. The instructors were very knowledgeable, and the content was relevant to our industry.
Dimitris K.

The way WE Teach 

We offer courses in Business English, IELTS Academic Mode and English Pronunciation for Business Presentations.
Additionally, you will be taught what you need to know by our qualified teaching staff of professionals.

Learn English With the Science of Behaviour Analysis and Precision Teaching 

Precision teaching is a structured teaching method that's designed to improve the accuracy and fluency.

Task Analysis 

Using the process of breaking a skill down into smaller, more manageable components. 


Then, we introduce each step in the sequence separately by encouraging experiential learning.

Instructional Scafolding

As students acquire new skills, we methodically build on their prior knowledge and experiences.

Positive Reinforcment 

After a successful performance, we introduce a pleasant stimulus to help our students stay optimistic and go beyond and above any expectation.

Conquer English.
Your Passport to Global Opportunities.

Ready to level up your English skills? Our blog is designed for adult learners like you, offering actionable tips on IELTS preparation, Business English, and pronunciation techniques for professional presentations. Turn language into leverage—transform your career, academics, and personal growth with us

Elevate Your English Skills, Transform Your Global Prospects.

Unlock a world of opportunities by mastering English. Our blog is designed for adult learners like you, focusing on IELTS preparation, Business English, and pronunciation for professional presentations. Here, you'll find expert tips, course reviews, and strategies to excel in any English-speaking environment.

Empower Your Future.
Learn English, Elevate Your Life.

Ready to elevate your life and career? Mastering English can be your catalyst for success. Whether you’re eyeing international job offers or aiming for an IELTS score that opens doors, our specialized courses for adult learners are designed to fit into your busy life and help you soar.
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